PS Journal

Perfect Smile Journal

Treasure box of information, and perfect smiles

For everything a start, and here's our start

Do you like to know more about our smiles?

If smile health and beauty is in your interest then here is your journal.

We start soon with some information about braces, and other possibilities and then continue with modern updates, inventions and innovations.

Braces are orthodontic devices that help to align and straighten teeth, resulting in a perfect smile. They are commonly used to correct misalignment, overcrowding, and bite issues. Braces work by applying gentle pressure to gradually move teeth into their proper position. To start treatment, a consultation with the doctor is necessary. In consultation, your needs will be assessed to create a personalized treatment plan. Regular visits for adjustments will be required throughout the treatment period to ensure progress. With braces, you can achieve a beautiful and healthy smile.


Breketid on ortodontilised seadmed, mis aitavad hambaid joondada ja sirgendada, mille tulemuseks on täiuslik naeratus. Neid kasutatakse tavaliselt nihke, ülerahvastatuse ja hammustusprobleemide parandamiseks. Breketid töötavad õrna survega, et viia hambad järk-järgult õigesse asendisse. Ravi alustamiseks on vajalik hambaarsti konsultatsioon. Konsulteerimisel hinnatakse teie vajadusi personaalse raviplaani koostamiseks. Edusammude tagamiseks on kogu raviperioodi jooksul vaja regulaarseid visiite korrigeerimiseks. Traksidega saate saavutada ilusa ja terve naeratuse.

Dental braces types:

Dental braces are an effective solution for addressing various orthodontic issues and achieving a perfect smile. There are different types of dental braces available to cater to individual needs.

Traditional metal braces are the most common and affordable option, offering excellent results for straightening teeth. They are durable and can correct complex dental problems. However, metal braces are visible and may less comfortable than plastic aligners.

Ceramic braces are more cosmetic alternative to traditional metal braces. Made from tooth-colored materials, they blend in with your natural teeth, making them less noticeable. Ceramic braces are suitable for individuals who are conscious about their appearance. However, they are more prone to staining and require proper maintenance.

Lingual braces are placed on the back of the teeth, making them completely hidden from view. While lingual braces provide a virtually invisible treatment option, they may initially cause speech difficulties and are more challenging to clean and to get used to them in the mouth compared to other types.


Hambabreketid on tõhus lahendus erinevate ortodontiliste probleemide lahendamiseks ja täiusliku naeratuse saavutamiseks. Individuaalsete vajaduste rahuldamiseks on saadaval erinevat tüüpi hambabreketid.

Traditsioonilised metallbreketid on kõige levinum ja taskukohasem valik, pakkudes suurepäraseid tulemusi hammaste sirgendamiseks. Need on vastupidavad ja võivad lahendada keerulisi hambaprobleeme. Metallist traksid on aga nähtavad ja võivad olla vähem mugavad kui plastist joondajad.

Keraamilised breketid on kosmeetilisem alternatiiv traditsioonilistele metallbreketitele. Valmistatud hambavärvi materjalidest, sulanduvad need teie loomulike hammastega, muutes need vähem märgatavaks. Keraamilised breketid sobivad inimestele, kes on oma välimuse suhtes teadlikud. Kuid need on altid määrdumisele ja vajavad korralikku hooldust.

Linguaalsed breketid asetatakse hammaste tagaküljele, muutes need vaate eest täielikult varjatuks. Kuigi keeleklambrid pakuvad praktiliselt nähtamatut ravivõimalust, võivad need alguses tekitada kõneraskusi ning neid on teiste tüüpidega võrreldes keerulisem puhastada ja nendega harjuda.

Dental braces alternatives:

In the last couple of decades, clear aligners started to prove themselves as reliable alternatives of classical dental braces.

Clear aligners are custom-made trays that are virtually invisible and removable. They are designed to gradually move your teeth into the desired position, resulting in a beautifully aligned teeth and a perfect smile. Unlike traditional braces, clear aligners allow you to eat your favorite foods and maintain good oral hygiene easily. With clear aligners, a popular alternative to traditional braces, you can straighten your teeth discreetly and comfortably.

Perfect Smile clinic was a pioneer in Estonia in offering this alternative, and still one of the most experienced, with different brands of clear aligners. 

Visit Perfect Smile today and discover the wonders of clear aligners for yourself!


Viimastel aastakümnetel on kaperavi hakanud tõestama end usaldusväärsete alternatiividena klassikaliste hambaravibraketitele.

Kaped on kohandatud kandikud, mis on praktiliselt nähtamatud ja eemaldatavad. Need on loodud järk-järgult liigutama teie hambaid soovitud asendisse, tulemuseks kaunilt joondatud hambad ja täiuslik naeratus. Erinevalt traditsioonilistest breketitest võimaldab kaperavi teil süüa oma lemmiktoite ja hoida hõlpsalt head suuhügieeni. Kaperavi on populaarne alternatiiv traditsioonilistele breketitele, mis võimaldab teil oma hambaid diskreetselt ja mugavalt sirgendada.

Perfect Smile kliinik oli Eestis üks kaperavi pakkumise pioneere ja on endiselt üks kogenumaid erinevate kape brändide osas.

Külastage täna Perfect Smile'i ja avastage kaperavi võlusid ise!

What to expect and how to take care of your braces and teeth?

When you choose dental braces for your perfect smile, you can expect a straighter and more aligned set of teeth. Braces work gently to move your teeth into the desired position over time. You may experience some initial discomfort and adjustments throughout the treatment process. However, the end result will be a beautiful and confident smile that you can proudly show off.

It's important to be aware of certain precautions to ensure the best results. Firstly, maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly. Avoid hard and sticky foods that can damage the braces or harm your teeth. Regular check-ups and follow-ups will provide added guidance for a successful and comfortable braces experience.


Kui valite oma täiusliku naeratuse jaoks hambaklambrid, võite oodata sirgemaid ja paremini joondatud hambaid. Breketid töötavad õrnalt, et viia hambad aja jooksul soovitud asendisse. Kogu raviprotsessi jooksul võite kogeda esialgset ebamugavust ja kohandusi. Lõpptulemuseks on aga ilus ja enesekindel naeratus, millega saad uhkusega eputada.

Parimate tulemuste tagamiseks on oluline olla teadlik teatud ettevaatusabinõudest. Esiteks hoolitsege hea suuhügieeni eest, harjates ja hambaniidiga regulaarselt. Vältige kõvasid ja kleepuvaid toite, mis võivad kahjustada breketeid või hambaid. Regulaarsed kontrollid ja järelkontrollid annavad täiendavaid juhiseid edukaks ja mugavaks breketite kasutamise kogemuseks.


Retainers play a crucial role at the end of braces treatment. After the braces are removed, retainers are used to maintain the alignment of your teeth. They help prevent teeth from shifting back to their original positions, ensuring your beautiful smile stays intact. Retainers should be worn as instructed to achieve the best results.

At Perfect Smile, we understand the importance of retainers in maintaining the outcome of your braces treatment. We provide custom-made retainers that are comfortable to wear and specifically designed to fit your teeth perfectly. We will guide you on how often and for how long you should wear your retainers to maintain the desired results. With proper care and regular check-ups, retainers can ensure that your new smile lasts for a lifetime.


Invisalign is a popular alternative to traditional braces for correcting teeth alignment. This innovative treatment involves using clear aligners that are custom-made to fit your teeth. They are virtually invisible, making them a discreet option for straightening your teeth without the need for metal wires or brackets.

Invisalign aligners are comfortable to wear and can be easily removed for eating, brushing, and flossing, allowing for better oral hygiene during treatment. With Invisalign, you can achieve a straighter smile without the hassle and self-consciousness often associated with traditional braces. At Perfect Smile, we offer expert Invisalign treatment, as well as other clear aligners, to help you achieve the smile you've always wanted.


Invisalign on populaarne alternatiiv traditsioonilistele breketitele hammaste joonduse korrigeerimiseks. See uuenduslik ravi hõlmab selgete joonduste (kaped) kasutamist, mis on kohandatud teie hammastele sobivaks. Need on praktiliselt nähtamatud, muutes need diskreetseks võimaluseks hammaste sirgendamiseks ilma metalltraate või sulgudeta.

Invisaligni kaped on mugav kanda ja neid saab söömise, harjamise ja hambaniidi kasutamise ajaks kergesti eemaldada, mis tagab parema suuhügieeni ravi ajal. Invisaligniga saate saavutada sirgema naeratuse ilma probleemideta ja eneseteadlikkuseta, mida sageli seostatakse traditsiooniliste breketitega. Perfect Smile'is pakume asjatundlikku Invisaligni ravi ja muid selgeid joondusi (kaperavi), mis aitavad teil saavutada naeratuse, mida olete alati soovinud.

Dental implant or bridge?

When it comes to restoring missing teeth, dental implants and bridges are popular options. Dental implants are titanium posts surgically placed into the jawbone to support artificial teeth (crowns), providing a sturdy and long-lasting solution. On the other hand, bridges consist of artificial teeth anchored to adjacent natural teeth, offering a fixed and effective replacement.

While dental implants may be more expensive, they are known for their durability and ability to maintain jawbone health. Bridges, on the other hand, are a more affordable option but may require additional maintenance over time. Choosing between dental implants and bridges depends on factors such as budget, oral health, and personal preferences. Both options can help you achieve a perfect smile and restore your confidence.

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